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Some pictures and more for reading our current book: Wave

Right now we are reading the book The Wave, by Sonali Deraniyagala.

From a review by The Guardian: Deraniyagala's memoir about losing her husband and sons in the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami is...possibly one of the most moving books ever written about grief.

As I read the book I couldn't help but search for more information on the author and her family, and about where she was staying in Shri Lanka.

Here are a few of the pictures and articles I came across, I had to share them, starting with a short video from the author.

Here is a map where the tsunami hit. You can see where Sri Lanka, the country just off the tip of India was hit.

And here is where they were staying, on the coast at a hotel near Yala National Park.

Patanangala beach at Yala National Park

Here are two pictures of her family. (from a very good interview of the author in 2013 "Writing to Remember" in The Sunday Times. To read the article click HERE.)

And here is an article about the Yala National Park Nature Museum, their was some money raised for it by the school the boys went to and with it the museum (which they loved to go to) was refurbished in their memory. There is a sweet picture of the two boys in the article and also a few pictures of the nature museum itself.

Here is the gate to Yala Park.

And as I was reading the book I noticed in one spot she mentioned bears. I didn't know bears lived in Sri Lanka. I was curious so I looked them up. They are called sloth bears. There are an astonishing number of animals that live in the park. Just look at a google image search for "Yala National Park" and you can see them all: Click HERE for that.

I hope these pictures, articles, and the video will enhance your reading of this amazing and unusual book. I leave you with a last picture of the author.

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